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Bardin University COVID Check (BUCC)

The BUCC app was a prototype for tracking COVID testing and vaccinations across a large student body.

Role: Designer, Leader


This website prototype was made based on the project prompt of "auction" and getting more women to join and stay in the STEM field. It showcased possible ways to raffle off STEM experiences at companies looking for female talents. You can read more about it here: STEMperience: Raffling Off a Better Path into STEM

Role: Sole designer


An app prototype for teachers to manage their classes remotely in one place. It was to simplify the remote classroom process and help overwhelmed teachers stay connected with their students.

Role: Co-UX designer in a team of 5, Overall finisher

Together Wellness

An app prototype for people dealing with mental health. It was meant to get patients to reach daily goals no matter how big or small, i.e getting out of bed.

Role: UI/UX designer in a team of 3
